Advancing Racial Equity with Data

Author: Emily Hadley

Publisher: RTI International

Publication Year: 2022

Summary: The following article discusses how since 2020, the American Statistical Association (ASA) created the ASA Antiracism Task Force to advance racial equity and justice. The committee has 4 suggestions on ways to do so. First, statisticians can contribute to public policy that prioritizes racial-ethnic equality. This first point includes supporting intentional policymakers and including antiracist training materials. Second, statisticians can promote racial-ethnic equality in statistics education and research. This second point includes creating antiracist educational materials as well as supporting researchers to address bias in the design and analysis of research content. Third, statisticians can influence organizations to ethically use their knowledge and tools. This third point includes expressing a commitment to ethical data usage and ethical career development programs. Fourth, statisticians can incorporate inclusion in their own work, This fourth point includes creating events and committing to best practices.


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